St. Mary – Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5 pm
St. Therese – Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:30 am
Good Shepherd – Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6 pm
St. Mary – 4 PM – Each Friday during Lent beginning March 7, 2025, Stations of the Cross will be recited followed by Mass.
Good Shepherd — 6:00 PM – Each Friday during Lent beginning March 7, 2025, Stations of the Cross will be recited followed by Mass.


Welcome to the Spirit of the Mountain Cluster!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7

We, members of the Spirit of the Mountains Cluster Parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, are committed to shaping our lives in the image of Christ through active evangelization.


Spirit of the Mountain cluster is composed of three Catholic Churches; Good Shepherd Catholic Church located in Lebanon, Virginia, St. Mary’s Catholic Church located in Coeburn, Virginia and St. Therese’s Catholic Church located in St. Paul, Virginia.


It is Father Emmanuel Darfour Appah’s pleasure to welcome you to our three parishes. Each one of our parishes offers you and your family a peaceful place for worship. Our community would be honored to have you as a part of our family!


Good Shepherd Mass Times

Sunday Mass: 11:00 AM
Wednesday Mass: 6:00 PM

St. Mary Mass Times

Tuesday Mass: 5:00 PM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Last Tuesday of Month: Adoration following Mass

St. Therese Mass Times

Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM

Daily Readings

Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Reading I Isaiah 65:17-21 Thus says the LORD: Lo, I am about to create new heavens     and a new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered     or come to mind. Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness     in what I create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy     and its people to be a delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem     and exult in my people. No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there,     or the sound of crying; No longer shall there be in it     an…

Lecturas Diarias

Lunes de la IV semana de Cuaresma
Primera Lectura Isaίas 65, 17-21 Esto dice el Señor: “Voy a crear un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva; ya no recordaré lo pasado, lo olvidaré de corazón. Se llenarán ustedes de gozo y de perpetua alegría por lo que voy a crear: Convertiré a Jerusalén en júbilo y a mi pueblo en alegría. Me alegraré por Jerusalén y me gozaré por mi pueblo. Ya no se oirán en ella gemidos ni llantos. Ya no habrá niños que vivan pocos días, ni viejos que no colmen sus años y al que no los alcance se le tendrá por maldito. Construirán…